Microsoft Teams Live Chat Widget

Chat with customers directly from Teams – Easy Integration in Just One Minute

 Live Chat with website visitors right from Microsoft Teams

Improve your customer engagement by directly chatting with visitors on your website using a live chat widget within the Microsoft Teams platform. Simplify your communication tools – no need for a separate chat client to engage with your customers.

Customize Your Chat Widget for a Seamless Match with Your Brand Identity.

Personalize your teams chat widget experience with Brand-Specific colors, logos, text options, and custom triggers.

Gain total design control with our free JavaScript API and custom CSS included in all plans for ultimate customization.

Easily embed a Teams live chat widget in your website

Seamlessly integrate a live chat widget  into your website to elevate customer service and sales. Ditch the extra software and instantly connect with visitors directly from a Teams channel

Get up and running site-wide in under 5 minutes.

Use Microsoft Teams to Boost Customer Service & Drive Sales

Each visitor's chat on your site becomes a separate, focused thread. A notification is sent to your Microsoft Teams channel, where any of your team members can engage with the conversation at their leisure.

Leverage your existing Microsoft Teams by adding a chat widget to your website, no extra software needed.

How it Works?

Chat with your Website Visitors in Three Simple Steps

Add our Teams app to your team.

Simply select Add to Teams below, then choose the Install App option within Teams to add it to your team.

Add Code Snippet to your site

Next, get the MokaChat chat widget code snippet for your website.

Chat from your Teams channel

Start live chatting with your visitors, directly from Microsoft Teams.

Chat with customers directly from Microsoft Teams.

Convert Website Visitors into Loyal Customers and Deliver Exceptional Support! Integrate Live Chat Seamlessly with Microsoft Teams

No credit card needed