Try MokaChat for free for 14 days

No credit card required

Affordable, Transparent Pricing for Teams of Any Size

Once MokaChat is connected to your Teams, you can create as many widgets as you like and install each widget in unlimited sites.

What's included

  • Unlimited Operators

  • 1000 conversations per month

  • White label widget

  • Triggers & automessages

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited domains

$29 /widget/mo

No credit card needed to start

14 days free trial

Need an enterprise plan or have other questions? Contact us via widget in bottom right.

Frequently asked questions

At MokaChat, we provide a genuine, two-way integration with Microsoft Teams, setting us apart from solutions that merely redirect to external apps under the guise of integration. We're committed to the philosophy of streamlining tools without compromising on functionality.

With MokaChat, you can directly engage with customers from within Teams, streamlining your support process for unparalleled efficiency and convenience.

Sure! You can map each widget to a different channel to keep everything organized.

MokaChat is closely integrated with Teams and all members of your Teams channel respond to a visitor thread.

By default, we will show only the person's name. To add they picture, they just need to register on our website and we will download their teams profile picture.